Membership Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Present:
Marguerite Elia, President
Eric Olsen, Vice President
Liz Dare, Treasurer
Alvina Tzang, Secretary
Member(s)/Guest(s) Present:
Caitlyn Yee
Robyn Matsumoto
Jim Williams
Todd Yee
Greg Watanabe
David Narayan
John Musial
Darrell Hamamoto
(Likely an incomplete list of attendees)
- WELCOME:The 2009 Park River Oak Estates Homeowners Association Annual Meeting was called to order by Marguerite Elia at 5:00p.m. at the Clubhouse.
- DETERMINATION OF QUORUMA total of twenty-eight legal ballots were received and quorum was thereby established.
- OVERVIEW OF PARK RIVER OAK ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION President Marguerite Elia gave a brief presentation regarding the Park River Oak Estates Homeowners Association.
- ANNUAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONInspector of Elections present:Caitlyn Yee
David Narayan
Greg Watanabe
All ballots were received in sealed envelopes to ensure confidentiality. The Inspector of Elections unsealed all envelopes and completed the counting of the twenty-eight (28) ballots received. The results were as followings:
- Liz Dare received 24 votes
- Alvina Tzang received 27 votes
- Marguerite Elia received 1 vote (Marguerite was not running for office because she is already elected last year.)
- There was one ballot nominating Golda to the Board, however, there is no other vacancies available at this time.
Liz Dare and Alvina Tzang were elected to serve as board members for the Park River Oak Estates Homeowners Association.
- ANNUAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONInspector of Elections present:Caitlyn Yee
- Landmark Limited was terminated as our property manager as of November 1, 2009 due to non-performance. The Board is currently looking for accounting alternatives to replace Landmark Limited.
- Annual Budget—The 2010 budget will be mailed out to all homeowners in two weeks because the Board is still searching for an accountant to finalize the budget.
- Security issues:
- After the hiring of All-Phase Security to conduct regular security patrols on our premises, there have been no further reports of burglaries, fewer noise violations, and vandalism.
- Security has generally improved within the gated community.
- We have installed locks on the windows at the clubhouse to prevent individuals from opening the windows in order to reduce unauthorized entry and break-ins into the clubhouse.
- Higher fences have been installed at the pool to prevent unauthorized entry into the swimming pool area.
- Residents are now required to display valid swimming pool passes in order to access the swimming pool and spa area.
- There is a decrease in the number of reports of fire-lane parking violations.
- Residents sometimes leave the pedestrian gates open and this may compromise the safety within our community.
- HOA dues: They will not be an increase in the HOA dues for this upcoming year. However, there is very likely going to be dues increase the following year due to the fact that our reserve is only at 40% of the ideal goal level at this time. The reserve has to be increased to at least 60% in compliance with state law.
- Lawsuit: The lawsuit against the Yeagers for non-payment of dues while consuming our services is still active at this time.
- Sewer system: There are regular cleanings and no more sewer problems. Rocks and grease has still been found in too large quantities, though.
- One homeowner asked for the phone number of All-Phase Security. Marguerite Elia provided the phone number of All-Phase Security to those attended the meeting.
- One homeowner inquired about our HOA reserve. Marguerite Elia stated the reserve is currently at approximately $150,000.
- One homeowner inquired about private insurance obligations. Marguerite explained that the HOAs insurance cover the exteriors, owners must purchase private insurance for their interior homes and contents.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:00p.m.
Minutes prepared by: Alvina Tzang