Meeting Minutes
Park River Oak Estates Open Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Marguerite Elia called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Attendance: Marguerite Elia, Ron Colton, Brent Cho, and John Schroeder
1. Schedule of Fines
Marguerite Elia mailed out the complete new schedule of fines to every homeowner, with a cover letter, and allowed the required 30 days for questions and comments. None were received. Violations and complaints received from residents and homeowners must now be in writing and the HOA must offer a hearing before imposing a fine.
Motion: The Park River Oak HOA shall adopt the fine schedule as presented to the membership and posted on our website. Motion was passed unanimously.
2. Gutter Cleaning
The Board discussed having two thorough gutter cleanings per year instead of once a year, given our 100 trees which shed 12 months of the year. Ron Colton motioned that we schedule a gutter cleaning from Bailey Boys in February 2022, October 2022 and February 2023. Motion was passed unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:50.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jack Schroeder