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Park River Oak Estates
Homeowners Association

Meeting Minutes

July 29, 2009

  1. CALL TO ORDER Management called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
  2. ESTABLISHMENT OF A QUORUM:     A quorum was established.
    Board Members Present:              Marguerite Elia, Eric Olsen, and Liz Dare
    Board Members Absent:               Alvina Tzang
    Landmark Limited LLC:              George Patten
  3. MINUTES The Board reviewed and approved the June 12, 2009, Board Meeting and Executive Session Meeting Minutes as submitted: Upon motion duly made by Director Elia, seconded by Director Dare and approved unanimously:
    RESOLVED:  To approve the June 12, 2009, Board Meeting and Executive Session Meeting Minutes as submitted.
  4. FINANCIAL REPORT The Board reviewed the financial statements for the months of May 2009 and June 2009.  The operating income as of June 30, 2009 was $20,402.43; the expenses were $24,362.80; leaving a year to date net operating income of $11,586.69.  The reserve fund balance is $139796.32, which included a CD of $11,353.11.Upon motion duly made Director Dare, seconded by Director Olsen and approved unanimously:
    RESOLVED:      To accept the May and June 2009 financial statements as presented.
    1. Fire Lane Problems:  The Board decided to restripe certain areas around the property and install fire lane signs to try and keep people from parking in the fire lanes.  The Board has requested bids from Landmark Management since the first meeting in March and has been waiting for written proposals from PGK and Sierra Striping to do the restriping and chose from the proposals.   After five months of delays, the Board will contact Sierra Striping, since an oral bid obtained during the meeting was too high. Upon motion duly made Director Olsen, seconded by Director Dare and approved unanimously:
      RESOLVED:      To restripe areas around the property and install fire lane signs.
    2. Security:  The Board will hire All Phase Security to handle the security for the property.  All Phase will be on the property in the daytime and evening doing patrols throughout the property.  Officers will be issuing parking violations to anyone who violates the association’s fire-lane rules. Upon motion duly made Director Olsen, seconded by Director Dare and approved unanimously:
      RESOLVED:      To hire All Phase Security to do the security for the Association.
    3. Yeager Law Suit:  Mediation is rescheduled for August 3rd.
    1. Annual Meeting:  The CCRs/Bylaws recommend that the HOA hold its annual meeting every March.   We have never held an annual meeting in March, and our attorney advised us that we are allowed by a vote, to change the date from what is stipulated in the Bylaws.  It was proposed that the 2009 annual meeting be held in November, as usual.  The Board did not determine a date, but will in the next week and the Owners will be notified.
    2. Construction Defects:  IRI did an inspection of two buildings with a history of water intrusion and provided a report of their findings from the inspection.  The inspection report was shown to all present.  One of the many issues raised were problems with gutters penetrating the stucco, voids in the stucco at connections where the gutter meets the stucco, downspouts draining water from large areas of third-floor gutters emptied directly on awnings instead of extending to the ground.  Director Elia said she will mail a copy of the report to the Developer.
    3. CC&R Revision:  The Board discussed meeting and reviewing the drafted new documents and deciding what areas to change on the drafted new documents.   A date was agreed upon.
    4. Internet Access and Laptop:  The Board agreed to pay for monthly internet service for the HOA and to purchase a laptop for the president’s use since she is having to complete and handle a large amount of the day to day work for the association, much of which requires internet access. Upon motion duly made Director Dare, seconded by Director Olsen and approved unanimously:
      RESOLVED:      To have the association pay for monthly internet service which will be placed on the HOA phone of 395-1010, and to purchase a laptop for the president’s use for HOA business matters.
    5. Pool Rules:  There have been some recent incidents at the pool which necessitated the association summarizing and adopting official pool rules.  As required by law, a draft of the rules will be mailed out to the Homeowners for their comments two weeks before the Board will vote on the rules.
    6. Pool Gates To Be Extended:    In order to keep people from being able to reach over the gates at the pool and opening it up the Board decided to hire PGK to extend the height on the two gates an additional 18 inches. Upon motion duly made Director Dare, seconded by Director Elia and approved unanimously:
      RESOLVED:     To hire PGK to extend the two pool gates 18 inches in height.
  7. OPEN FORUM The Board authorized upgrading one security camera at the front gate to a higher quality camera.  It is difficult to get a detailed visual with the current cameras that are installed at the front gate, but not to exceed $1000 for one camera. Upon motion duly made Director Dare, seconded by Director Olsen and approved unanimously:
    RESOLVED:      To upgrade the security camera at the front gate, if affordable.
  8. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made by Director Dare, seconded by Director Olsen and approved unanimously:
    RESOLVED:     To adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. as there was no further business.

Respectfully submitted
George Patten, Agent for Park River Oak Estates Homeowners Association